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Knit 1, Sip 1 (round 3)

Happy Tuesday, also known as the second Monday of the week. And boy, has this day been a real Monday. That means we are in for another round of Knit 1, Sip 1!

Spring is finally here in central Virginia, so we are bringing the cocktails. It is time for a cool drink, some knitting, and some mindless television. That, my friends, is what I call relaxing. Can self-care include cocktails? I think my self-care includes cocktails.

Today, we are drinking amaretto sours. The beauty of this drink (beyond the yummy taste) is that it can be as simple as a little amaretto and a little sour mix. Boom! You have your drink and you are ready for knitting and Netflix marathoning. But you can also get a little fancy and dress it up. Instead of sour mix, try 1/2 ounce of lemon-lime soda and 1/2 ounce of lemon juice. I have to admit, I like the fizz. Or maybe add 2 parts bourbon and 2 parts amaretto to 1 part lemon juice. And don't forget the lemon slice! Make it as fancy or as simple as you want. You know it will taste great!

Today we are knitting a long, skinny scarf in an open knit. Perfect for Spring! This one does have some shaping, but you take care of that in the beginning, so you don't have to worry about paying too much attention as you drink. I do suggest that you grab a couple of extra stitch markers. Full disclosure, I lost one in the rug when I was setting up to take these pictures. And I hadn't even been drinking yet!

So let's cast on, have a sip of our drink, and binge some TV. Sounds like a relaxing evening of unwinding to me!

If you want to pick up the pattern for this scarf, click here. I also have knitting kits available, with everything you need to complete the pattern. You pick your color and everything is shipped right to your door!

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