This past Saturday was the 7th annual Powhatan Festival of Fiber (and the 6th annual Lee Family Trip to the Fiber Festival). My husband is not exactly known for his punctuality, so I jokingly told him I was going to go without him.
This got me thinking about our tradition (we only missed the 2nd year because we were living in North Carolina at the time). I heard of the first festival by chance when I was just starting my knitting business. I couldn't find a partner in crime willing to join me last minute and my wonderful husband decided to brave the field of pollen, err, I mean yarn.
We had a blast! We both learned about weaving and spinning. We ate yummy fried food (funnel cakes for the win). We watched shearing and herding demonstrations. And our tradition was born.

Our group has included various friends and family over the years. But my husband is my constant partner in crime/bag holder. We both love learning new things and delight in all of the demonstrations. We have braved wind, rain, and heat. PFoF is our family tradition every April.
The weather was perfect this weekend. I was able to restrain myself from buying everything (just barely), but some gorgeous hand dyed yarns made their way home with me.
I enjoyed seeing show favorites, as well as new vendors (and new yarns). We once again ate yummy fried food. And of course I was charmed by all the baby animals!
If you live in the area, I highly suggest visiting Powhatan's Festival of Fiber. It is always held on the last Saturday in April. Maybe I will see you there!