I'm about a week late writing this, but let's be real - I was in a yarn coma. My husband and I have made PFoF our family tradition since it started in 2013. Let me take you back for a bit, to explain how this tradition got started. My husband (boyfriend at the time) has always been supportive of my knitting business, but that didn't mean he had to actually GO with me to buy yarn and do yarny things. So he had no plans on making the trek out to Powhatan to look at skein after skein of yarn in the middle of pollen season. I was so excited to find a yarn festival near us, but could not find anyone to go with me. I'm an only child, I'm okay flying solo, and I was all set to strike out on my adventure when my dear hubby said he would go with me if I packed lots of Benadryl. Turns out, he had a blast too, even if he was a little loopy from the allergy meds. And the tradition was started. Now he gets just as excited as me to head out to the field and buy all the things. In the years since, he has spun his own yarn, learned different types of weaving, and very much enjoyed the food. He is my cameraman and my bag holder. He encourages me to buy all the pretty things and not once gets exasperated when I want to make one more lap. He chats up vendors on how they make their wares and listens in on conversations to get the scoop on other festivals happening soon (maybe a trip to Pennsylvania is in our future).

Enough about how lucky I am to have such a great hubby. Let's get to the pics of the yarn! I was very proud of myself this year. Normally I just buy whatever strikes my fancy and figure out what to do with it much later. This year, I actually purchased skeins I have plans for - plus some that just struck my fancy. Black and neon yarn?! Who cares if I never use sock yarn, it is too cool to not have in my stash.
If you are close to central Virginia, you really need to make a trip to the Powhatan Festival of Fiber. It is always the last Saturday in April. It is outdoors, but we haven't let the weather stop us yet. Yes, we have been in the rain. There is always great food with a variety of food trucks and vendors. They have music, demos, classes, animals, crafts for the kids, yarn, and all things yarn related. It is always a blast! Now for the visual...