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The Yarns I Love

Happy Tuesday! I thought this would be a good time to talk about some of my favorite yarns to knit with. Let me warn you now. This is no yarn snob here. I do not only use the finest merino, spun by angels, and dyed by a local artist living on a commune. Don't get me wrong, there is some of that in my stash. I am an equal opportunity yarn lover and firmly believe there is a place in any stash for just about any type of yarn. They all have a purpose. So feel no shame if your only local yarn shop is the Walmart craft aisle. This is a no judgment zone.

Today we are going to talk about what is generally my go to yarn for most projects. And yes, you can find it on the Walmart craft aisle. It is also a staple at Joann's, Michael's, and AC Moore. If you haven't already picked it up from the leading picture, I'm talking about Caron Simply Soft. (If you are disappointed because I am not featuring an indie dyer or hand spun yarn, do not fear! Those reviews are coming in future posts.) I discovered Simply Soft early in my RamsGirl career when looking for something that would be great for a custom baby blanket. This request was for lady bug colors to go with a lady bug room and a lady bug obsessed little girl. No pastels here! Baby yarns are out. Side note - I generally avoid baby yarns at all costs because the colors just do not appeal to me. While hunting through my local AC Moore, I came across this wall of colors that was so soft. It was thinner than I wanted. Simply Soft calls for a size 8 (US) knitting needle which is much smaller than I make it a habit to use. Solution - double the yarn! And my obsession was begun.

My massive bin of Simply Soft

I not only use Simply Soft in many of my finished items, it is often what I include with my knit kits that I sell. The yarn is machine washable and dryable and durable. It has been kid tested many times over! It comes in such a wide variety of colors, you can always find just what you need. The name is accurate, though acrylic, this yarn is soft. No plastic yarn here. I have super sensitive skin and I am incredibly picky. This stuff passes my test. You can tell by this huge bin I have - and my Simply Soft stash is low at the moment. My favorite patterns to use the yarn with include baby blankets, scarves and infinity scarves, open knit cowls, and shawls. Below are just a few finished items made with Caron Simply Soft. So the next time you are looking for a versatile yarn that you can easily pick up in town, try out Simply Soft.

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