Happy Tuesday! Sorry for missing Friday's post, but there was no way for me to get the blog post published while traveling. That just means there will be more finished objects for this Friday! As for how my husband and I spent our Memorial Day weekend, we traveled through the mountains of Virginia, stopping at every yarn shop along the way. All in all, there were 12 shops participating in this year's yarn crawl and we hit all 12 in 3 days. I believe we were some of the first people to complete the challenge!
In case you haven't heard of a yarn crawl before, let me give you the rundown. Several local yarn shops get together and offer a prize for visiting all the participating shops in a time period. The Virginia yarn crawl currently spans a large geographical area, so they usually give a full week to visit the shops. I have participated in the Western North Carolina crawl and they give you a long weekend, but it is entirely doable to visit all of the shops in a day. I don't think that is possible for Virginia! My husband and I spent 2 nights in Roanoke to make the trip easier (and more fun). Along with the grand prize, each shop offered a few daily prizes. There is also an instagram contest for finding Betty in each shop and posting a selfie with her. If you follow my instagram (@ramsgirldesign) you will have definitely seen some pictures of Betty dressed in different outfits at each yarn shop! I will include some below as well.
My husband is a great sport, as you know if you have read my earlier posts. He was equipped with his own punch card for visiting each shop along with me and did his best to win daily prizes for me. He won 2! Fingers crossed one of us wins the grand prize. I will have a picture of it below too (along with my haul from all the shops). This basket is massive with tons of goodies.
Enough talk! Below are some of the pictures of our trip. I placed a picture of the shop's sign first, followed by pictures of the interior.
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